Thursday, May 28, 2020

Delight? #27

I am finding it hard to find delight right now in the midst of the unconscionable murder of unarmed African-American George Floyd at the hands (and knee) of those who swore to protect him.

Lord, in your mercy...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Delight #26

Windshield wipers! What a great concept. We only think about them when we are driving in the rain. Where would we be without them?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Delight #25

What if I told you that there is an American that has been leading an international team for over 30 years treating TB patients in North Korea every six months?

I know...I didn't believe it either, until I watched a documentary called "Out of Breath" about a very dangerous and hard to treat strain of TB. The story of the Eugene Bell foundation goes against most everything I have read to date about the people of North Korea. Sure, there government leaves a lot to the imagination, but the people in this documentary told a different story.

Learn more here:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Delight #24

Rev. Brittney Stephan preached an outstanding sermon today at Evangelical UMC tying in Aldersgate Sunday, JC as short order cook by the sea (post Resurrection) and being the Church that cooks up Hope without boundaries. Very grateful for the gift of the good of the internet that makes worship possible since it is not possible to be in-person for worship right now.

Delight #23

Anniversary yesterday. Marti's birthday today!

Delight #22

27 years of marriage today to the most outstanding wife ever...a delight of delight!

Delight #21

Confession time...I am writing this on the 24th of May, so I am obviously behind a bit. Life had gotten in the way (in a good way) and I had lost track of my commitment to this blog. On the other hand, I have realized it is good to just loose yourself in the midst of living every now and then.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Delight #20

I work with some incredible professionals that want nothing more than our Airmen and their families to thrive, especially during these difficult times. I was reminded of that recently when some of us worked on a project together.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Delight #19

My head already knew the following: most military videos I do get cleared to sit in a public database thingy that anyone can pick up and my heart knows it as well because it just happened to me!

A Christian Broadcasting Network news story on Army Chaplains (not a typo!) included a brief video of me (NOT in the Army) lighting a Christ candle during a recent worship service we recorded.

Talk about scrapping the bottom of the video barrel! It was fun none-the-less!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Delight #18

Today would have been my Mother's 85th birthday. She died in 2013 from stomach cancer. We didn't always see eye to eye BUT, I knew she was proud of me and believe in me. Good stuff!!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Delight #17

I have been thinking about my Maternal Grandfather, Ed. He was a wheat farmer in North Central Kansas.  He is one of the hardest working men I have known. Other than eating dinner and driving a farmer implement, I really don't ever remember Grandpa sitting down. AND he was on the move with only one leg! He lost a leg in a farm accident before I came along. I marvel at how active he was with a wooden leg. He didn't move quickly, but he was always on the move. If Grandpa could keep moving and working, I have no excuse!

Delight #16

The very next day after washing and waxing my van by hand a bird with an obvious intestinal issue drop its load on the center of my hood.  My Mother said there would be days like these. Life is to full of delight to let this get me down. Life goes on...

Delight #15

I recently washed and waxed my van that has 340,000 miles on it. Some might think that is silly to invest the time into something with that many miles. I rather look at it as just because it has enough miles on it to be considered "junk" doesn't mean it has to look like junk.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Delight #14

In addition to running my regular run in the morning, I have been running a 5K once a week in the afternoon. At first I thought I couldn't do is amazing what we are really capable of when we put our minds to it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Delight #13

I work in a very special place doing some amazing things around the world. I already knew this, but I have been reminded anew lately...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Delight #12

One of my devotionals contains old Charles Wesley lyrics that I have never heard. Here is a spinet of just one of those verses:

             "By thy power divinely glorious, by thy resurrection's power, raise us up, o'er sin victorious"

Delight #11

It was a perfect evening for a walk in Terre Haute. It is so easy to take good weather for granted. The sun was out, the wind was down and the temperature was just right!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Delight #10

The purple of the Red Bud trees have been outstanding this Spring. Or maybe I have just noticed them more. What a gift the colors of Spring are!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Delight #9

My paternal grandfather loved to go for rides on the back roads around his North Central Kansas farm. Driving him on some of those rides when he was older is a treasured memory I carry with me to this day. What a gift to slow down and enjoy the ride as much (maybe more!) than the destination.

Delight #8

The Mother of my sons is an outstanding Mother. She taught them compassion, service and perseverance. Thank God for great Mothering!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Delight #7

Running with the recent super moon was outstanding. What a sight! What a gift to be out early and enjoy the sight of the last super moon of the 2020!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Delight #6

I have been reading the Apocryphal books recently and wow...Judith was an amazing warrior. Kind of makes Jael seem a little Junior Varisty.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Delight #5

The "usual" road to my apartment was closed. I was forced to find another way, a new way. While I could have been upset about the inconvenience of going the long way home, I chose to appreciate the new sites I saw along the alternate way home.

The power of choice is a power indeed!

Delight #4

I am delighted to do the work I am doing in such a place as the 181st. What a very special place to be in ministry!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Delight #3

Worshiping online with Evangelical UMC was outstanding this Sunday.

Delight #2

Voting by mail allowed me and encouraged me to do some of the most research I have ever done before voting.

If you have not done so, request a ballot, do your research and then do THE one thing that is the linchpin of our Democracy--VOTE!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Delight #1

Since I get confused easily, I am starting over the numbering with the new month...

For review: I have decided that the antidote to despair is to find at least one delight per day and post it here.

I am delighted that folks are reading this and have been inspired to do a similar thing in their lives.