Tuesday, August 25, 2020

All Wave

I have made a commitment to wave at everyone while I am running at the 181st. I started this with our Security Forces. They are some of the most underappreciated Airmen in the whole force. They serve in the most dangerous places in all weather condition just so I have a safe place in which to do my job. 

If anyone deserves my acknowledgment of them with a simple wave, it is our Defenders. Since I run everyday the same pattern on base I usually cross paths with them a few different times. But that does not matter, everyone gets a wave every time.

What is totally cool is that some of the Defenders as the drive by flash their red and blue lights at me. I assume they are "waving" back in their own way.

Or maybe I am running so fast that they are telling me to slow down!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ahead of COVID

One thing I committed to do as COVID hit was to my physical health. I decided to focus on what I can control instead of being anxious with what I can't. My physical health is one of the biggest things I have the most control over. 

Practically speaking, I decided to run more. I have not always loved this decision while I am running, but I am really glad for this decision after I have run for the day. In July, I ran the most I had ever run in one month...until now! Tomorrow I will surpass my July total.

Onward and upward with the things I can control!  

Monday, August 24, 2020

Extension Ministry

One thing was was discussed in my Military Chaplaincy DMin was the fact that, for the most part, ministry in the "extension" setting (i.e. beyond the local church) is thriving right now. Even growing. 

I believe this to be true. People have a hunger to make meaning of the world around them and their place in it. As more and more choose to not look to the church for that meaning making, they are looking for places like their work setting.

I can attest to the fact that in my work setting there are many non-church going persons that seek my counsel. I am proud to represent the church beyond the church building as people continue to long for meaning making help outside of a traditional church setting. I wonder what the next 25 years will hold for the local church and extension ministry settings as this shift continues to happen. 

Leaders are Learners

I am now about half way through Air War College. This is the final Professional Military Education piece for me as an Officer. I have enjoyed parts of it. Others, no so much! I try hard not to have a "this is just checking a box" mentality. I really do want to learn. 

I believer every good leader is a learner. I believe our thirst for learning is a great gift. I always want to be thirsty to learn new things. The people I lead deserve that. I deserve that! After all, the most important person I lead is myself!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Formal Goodbye

My heart is overflowing with gratitude with all the wonderful things that were shared at our Churubusco UMC goodbye. My time as their Senior Pastor was short, but the memories will be long lasting.

Thank you for everyone that took the time to stop by and say goodbye. Thanks too for those that could not be there but still sent a card. Those gestures of gratitude are deeply appreciated.

Now that our time of saying goodbye to one another as pastor/congregant as come and gone, the time for us to remain as friends begins.

I hope nothing but the best for the bright future of Churubusco UMC! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Overnight Bible Study

I really enjoy leading Bible Studies at the 181st. A current one is for the overnight crew that I do at the beginning of shift in the evening. They come in a hour early just to be in this Bible Study! Outstanding group.

Recently we were talking about a passage from James 4...being a "friend" of the world. I told them that I thought the word "friend" was easily misunderstood in this context. I said it is a little like the difference between a "chubby" friend and being an "ally" friend.

This was received with blank looks...when finally one Airmen spoke up and said, "Chaplain, do you mean 'chummy'?"

I said, "yes! I knew that chubby didn't sound right but I couldn't think of chummy."

Don't be either a chubby or chummy friend!! 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Packing up

While packing up my office this weekend, I realized just how fast time flies. The end of my time at CUMC has come and gone...just like that! Where did the time go? Even though the time was short in the memories we made, no one can ever take those memories from me!

I have been reminded yet again: cherish each moment; make the most of your day; don't throw away time. Why? Because the end will come and more than likely it will come way sooner than you were expecting.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ending reflections

As I have continued to reflect on my time ending as the Senior Pastor of Churubusco UMC, I am mindful of many things. Some of them are:

  • Incredible gifted musicians
  • Outstanding servant leaders willing to get out of their comfort zones
  • A 7 day a week Church
  • Passionate people of Faith willing to share that Faith with others
  • A willingness to try new things in worship
  • Wonderful group of Veterans
  • Gifted staff members
  • Behind the scenes servants faithfully showing up and getting it done without any fanfare 
The ending has come all too soon. But there are more dreams that God has in store for this great Church. I can't wait to hear about all the great ways these dreams come alive in the future.

Thank you CUMC! 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My news

It has been publicly announced today that my orders at the 181st Intelligence Wing in Terre Haute, IN has been extended through September, 2021. It is with a heavy heart and mixed emotions that I must say I will not be returning to be the Senior Pastor at Churubusco UMC. 

There is not doubt in my mind that the outstanding people of the Church will continue in their faithful witness to be a beacon of Light and Hope in Jesus Christ. 

I am grateful for the good we were able to do together through servant leaders that stepped out of their comfort zones to serve in new ways. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Delight #5

I am leading 2 different "Fruit of the Spirit" Bible Studies on base--one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I love both groups! The groups are a wonderful mix of Airmen that didn't know each other before and close friends. The conversations are lively and the discover of Truth is rich!

I have told these groups that I understand the study of Scripture to be both a mirror and a window. A mirror that reflects back to me the real me (whether I want to really see the real me is another story!). And a window that allows us to see through the words on the page the Living Word of Christ in our midst.

When have you studied recently? 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Delight #4

I scored a celestial field goal this morning on my run. When I made the turn at the halfway point and starting running back to my office, I literally run through the middle of a pretty full moon on my right and the rising sun on my left. Talk about a P.A.T. for the ages.

Just simply amazing... 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Delight #3

We had drill this past weekend for the first time since March. Drill is were all members of the Unit--both full time and part time--are together for training at the Terre Haute Air National Guard base. It was a strange mix of not knowing for sure what to do because we have been out of the habit and sliding right back into the routine like we never missed a beat.

I did think to myself that it is good not to take things for granted. Back in March if you would have said we would not drill again until August, I would have thought you to be crazy!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Delight #2

As I have mentioned before, I run at the same time every morning but the sun is rising later. This morning it was very dark on the way out. But then I made the turn back and it was a lot lighter.

I ruminated on all the times I felt like quitting in the dark. Times I felt overwhelmed and had enough of the darkness. Today was a great example of what happens when you push pass wanting to give up.

Light will come at the turn towards home.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Delight #1

I was honored to lead an Interfaith Diversity Vigil recently at the 181st. "Vigil" comes from the Greek meaning "devotionally awake." The challenge was for us to be truly awake to our world at the systemic level and realize the power we have to change our part of the world.

Very moving...