Saturday, September 19, 2020



This is my last post. 

Thank you for reading! 

May you have ever blessing,


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Labor Day

No more than ever, it is important to remember that our Church stands with those that insist on the power of collective bargain.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Leah Claney

I worked in my High School cafeteria my sophomore year. My boss was Leah Claney. She also happened to be one of the matriarchs of my Church. She had a very specific way to do things. When you didn't do them her way, she would tell you!

I was in charge of scooping the french fries into the little paper shelves and then weighing them (they have to be within an ounce or two of the specified weight) and then placing them in a tray for serving.

When I began, my process was sloppy and slow. The pressure was on to serve as many students as possible with the hottest fries. Time was of the essence.   

I can still hear Leah today (some 36 years later!) sternly asking, "why handle it twice?" She was right! I don't think I truly appreciated Leah's wisdom then, but I sure do now. There are ways I can become more efficient with my time and the way I manage certain processes...why add unneeded steps? 

Thanks Leah for this valuable lifelong lesson. 

Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll

I am currently leading 2 different Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies on base. The particular fruit we are studying for 6 weeks is "self-control." Recently it struck me how much time we spend on "earthy" things when talking about the fruit of the SPIRIT! We have covered such topics as: sexuality, drugs (including alcohol) and obesity. 

All that to say, it is a good reminder that Jesus came to bring us new life now, in our current bodies. And that makes all the difference. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

All Wave

I have made a commitment to wave at everyone while I am running at the 181st. I started this with our Security Forces. They are some of the most underappreciated Airmen in the whole force. They serve in the most dangerous places in all weather condition just so I have a safe place in which to do my job. 

If anyone deserves my acknowledgment of them with a simple wave, it is our Defenders. Since I run everyday the same pattern on base I usually cross paths with them a few different times. But that does not matter, everyone gets a wave every time.

What is totally cool is that some of the Defenders as the drive by flash their red and blue lights at me. I assume they are "waving" back in their own way.

Or maybe I am running so fast that they are telling me to slow down!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ahead of COVID

One thing I committed to do as COVID hit was to my physical health. I decided to focus on what I can control instead of being anxious with what I can't. My physical health is one of the biggest things I have the most control over. 

Practically speaking, I decided to run more. I have not always loved this decision while I am running, but I am really glad for this decision after I have run for the day. In July, I ran the most I had ever run in one month...until now! Tomorrow I will surpass my July total.

Onward and upward with the things I can control!  

Monday, August 24, 2020

Extension Ministry

One thing was was discussed in my Military Chaplaincy DMin was the fact that, for the most part, ministry in the "extension" setting (i.e. beyond the local church) is thriving right now. Even growing. 

I believe this to be true. People have a hunger to make meaning of the world around them and their place in it. As more and more choose to not look to the church for that meaning making, they are looking for places like their work setting.

I can attest to the fact that in my work setting there are many non-church going persons that seek my counsel. I am proud to represent the church beyond the church building as people continue to long for meaning making help outside of a traditional church setting. I wonder what the next 25 years will hold for the local church and extension ministry settings as this shift continues to happen. 

Leaders are Learners

I am now about half way through Air War College. This is the final Professional Military Education piece for me as an Officer. I have enjoyed parts of it. Others, no so much! I try hard not to have a "this is just checking a box" mentality. I really do want to learn. 

I believer every good leader is a learner. I believe our thirst for learning is a great gift. I always want to be thirsty to learn new things. The people I lead deserve that. I deserve that! After all, the most important person I lead is myself!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Formal Goodbye

My heart is overflowing with gratitude with all the wonderful things that were shared at our Churubusco UMC goodbye. My time as their Senior Pastor was short, but the memories will be long lasting.

Thank you for everyone that took the time to stop by and say goodbye. Thanks too for those that could not be there but still sent a card. Those gestures of gratitude are deeply appreciated.

Now that our time of saying goodbye to one another as pastor/congregant as come and gone, the time for us to remain as friends begins.

I hope nothing but the best for the bright future of Churubusco UMC! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Overnight Bible Study

I really enjoy leading Bible Studies at the 181st. A current one is for the overnight crew that I do at the beginning of shift in the evening. They come in a hour early just to be in this Bible Study! Outstanding group.

Recently we were talking about a passage from James 4...being a "friend" of the world. I told them that I thought the word "friend" was easily misunderstood in this context. I said it is a little like the difference between a "chubby" friend and being an "ally" friend.

This was received with blank looks...when finally one Airmen spoke up and said, "Chaplain, do you mean 'chummy'?"

I said, "yes! I knew that chubby didn't sound right but I couldn't think of chummy."

Don't be either a chubby or chummy friend!! 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Packing up

While packing up my office this weekend, I realized just how fast time flies. The end of my time at CUMC has come and gone...just like that! Where did the time go? Even though the time was short in the memories we made, no one can ever take those memories from me!

I have been reminded yet again: cherish each moment; make the most of your day; don't throw away time. Why? Because the end will come and more than likely it will come way sooner than you were expecting.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ending reflections

As I have continued to reflect on my time ending as the Senior Pastor of Churubusco UMC, I am mindful of many things. Some of them are:

  • Incredible gifted musicians
  • Outstanding servant leaders willing to get out of their comfort zones
  • A 7 day a week Church
  • Passionate people of Faith willing to share that Faith with others
  • A willingness to try new things in worship
  • Wonderful group of Veterans
  • Gifted staff members
  • Behind the scenes servants faithfully showing up and getting it done without any fanfare 
The ending has come all too soon. But there are more dreams that God has in store for this great Church. I can't wait to hear about all the great ways these dreams come alive in the future.

Thank you CUMC! 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My news

It has been publicly announced today that my orders at the 181st Intelligence Wing in Terre Haute, IN has been extended through September, 2021. It is with a heavy heart and mixed emotions that I must say I will not be returning to be the Senior Pastor at Churubusco UMC. 

There is not doubt in my mind that the outstanding people of the Church will continue in their faithful witness to be a beacon of Light and Hope in Jesus Christ. 

I am grateful for the good we were able to do together through servant leaders that stepped out of their comfort zones to serve in new ways. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Delight #5

I am leading 2 different "Fruit of the Spirit" Bible Studies on base--one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I love both groups! The groups are a wonderful mix of Airmen that didn't know each other before and close friends. The conversations are lively and the discover of Truth is rich!

I have told these groups that I understand the study of Scripture to be both a mirror and a window. A mirror that reflects back to me the real me (whether I want to really see the real me is another story!). And a window that allows us to see through the words on the page the Living Word of Christ in our midst.

When have you studied recently? 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Delight #4

I scored a celestial field goal this morning on my run. When I made the turn at the halfway point and starting running back to my office, I literally run through the middle of a pretty full moon on my right and the rising sun on my left. Talk about a P.A.T. for the ages.

Just simply amazing... 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Delight #3

We had drill this past weekend for the first time since March. Drill is were all members of the Unit--both full time and part time--are together for training at the Terre Haute Air National Guard base. It was a strange mix of not knowing for sure what to do because we have been out of the habit and sliding right back into the routine like we never missed a beat.

I did think to myself that it is good not to take things for granted. Back in March if you would have said we would not drill again until August, I would have thought you to be crazy!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Delight #2

As I have mentioned before, I run at the same time every morning but the sun is rising later. This morning it was very dark on the way out. But then I made the turn back and it was a lot lighter.

I ruminated on all the times I felt like quitting in the dark. Times I felt overwhelmed and had enough of the darkness. Today was a great example of what happens when you push pass wanting to give up.

Light will come at the turn towards home.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Delight #1

I was honored to lead an Interfaith Diversity Vigil recently at the 181st. "Vigil" comes from the Greek meaning "devotionally awake." The challenge was for us to be truly awake to our world at the systemic level and realize the power we have to change our part of the world.

Very moving...

Friday, July 31, 2020

Delight #31

As I have previously mentioned, I do a lot of running out and around one end of the runway at Hulman Field in Terre Haute. I run at the same time each day, but with the sun rising later and later, it is getting darker and darker when I run.

Today was very dark as it was cloudy at well. I made the turn towards home and was able to face East I saw the most amazing pink colors in the sky. Wow, what a sight. 

The sun was still not up by the time I was finished with my 5k, but the sky was gift enough this morning.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Delight #30

We had a great phone call meeting with several ANG Chaplains from all over the US today. COVID has forced us to get creative and this was a great opportunity to connect to my colleagues.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Delight #29

Few things feel as good as submitting a homework assignment! I continue to chip away at Air War College.

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time...

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Delight #28

I love the Far Side comics and am grateful they are made available in daily doses online finally!


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Delight #20

My current home church is worshiping outside every Sunday. It is easy to focus on the heat, but I have tried to focus on positive things that I am encountering in worship because we are not in the building.

Here are some things I have noticed:

  • Soaring birds overhead 
  • A cool breeze that is easy to take for granted
  • Renewed energy of the people called Methodist because we are in a new space
  • Expanded creativity by the Worship team not being constrained by the physicality of the indoor space 
  • Passersby that take note that this not your ordinary Church! 
  • The assurance I can still worship "there" through Facebook 

Delight #19

Good friends are a gift. How easy it is to take them for granted. I am grateful for those that make time and stay connected. Life is good when it is shared with others.

Delight #18

Swimming! It had been awhile since I had been in the water. Nice refreshing way to remember my baptism.

Delight #17

My 2001 van, with almost 350k miles, has decided that my radio does no longer need to shut off! Pushing the "on/off" button does nothing. So I admire the tenacity that even when it is suppose to be off, my radio says, "I don't care what you think you are doing, I am going to continue to play my with it!"

What a spunky little radio with a sassy mouth...and I am ok with it. It beats it never turning on!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Delight #16

From my devotions: "...making improved means for unimproved ends."--Thoreau

Good, good stuff to think about!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Delight #15

There is power in asking questions and really listening. I am amazed about how much I don't know until I take the time to ask others of their opinions and the prepare to really listen to their answers.

Someone much wiser than I said, "I never did learn anything from talking."

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Delight #14

I was joined by lots of other runners today at sunrise on the Base. This was not planned, just Airmen trying to stay healthy. Wow was I inspired, there are a lot of fast Airmen here. Or maybe I am just old and slow?!?!?!?

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Delight #13

After a very rough start (I flunked an early class) and quitting a couple of times, I am back at my last Professional Military Education course entitled, "Air War College." I have been inspired to get back at it because of the encouragement of a Lt Col colleague at the 181, a very helpful Air University "help ticket" employee and my family. Most of the reading is very dry and I don't see the "real world" relevance BUT one of my personal core values is to model not just being a good Chaplain, but being a good Officer. Doing my expected extra continuing education is one way I stick to that core value. And there is one more thing, there are a total of 3 of these types of courses, I have completed the first two and so I keep telling myself that I have not come this far to quit now!

Delight #12

I was honored to be able to produce a poem today for worship at Evangelical UMC from responses of the congregation on how their lives have changed because of COVID. I was inspired to do this by the NPR poet in residence, Kwame Alexander.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Delight #11

Four years ago today was "run with Kent"...a cloud of great witnesses all did a mile of running or walking in my honor as I began my 6th month deployment to Saudi Arabia.

And yes, I got my run in that day with just a couple of minutes to spare once I got to Eskan Village, KSA.

Delight #10

Four years ago today I worshipped for the last time at Evangelical UMC (I was released from my appointment at Columbia City UMC on June 30th that year) before leaving for Saudi Arabia. The Wing Commander of the 122d at the time attended and was part of the send off.

How can it already be four years???

Delight #9

In the USAF, the Wing Chaplain gets supervised by the Vice Wing Commander. Long story short, but our former Vice Wing Commander is back as the new Vice Wing Commander after a short tour at the Guard Bureau in DC.

I love having him back. He is incredibly smart, visionary and very supportive of the Chaplain Corps at the 181.

What a great boss to have!

Disclaimer...yes, I ultimately work for the Wing Commander...she "owns" me and I do what she wants, but the day to day working relationship falls to the Vice Wing Commander when it comes to my role.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Delight #8

"A thing is good to the degree that it perfects the powers appropriate to its nature." Thomas Aquinas

The power of a knife is it edge.

The power of a friendship is its loyalty.

The power of humans is to grow in Christ-likeness.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Delight #7

During a recent 5k, I had this mantra come to me, "end in sight; not in doubt." Meaning I can SEE the goal and have the confidence to KNOW I will get there!!!

Delight #6

May I remember a 100 degree heat index six months from now when it will probably be below freezing!!

Delight #5

"Temperance is not about enjoying less but enjoying better." --Andre' Comte-Sponville

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Delight #4

Fireworks have gotten way louder in recent years, so I am ever more grateful for "peace and quite!"

Friday, July 3, 2020

Delight #3

I had a friend make a special request to run with me. How about that? What a gift to spend that time with such an outstanding young person. At the rate he is going, he will have his "comma" (1,000th day running at least one mile a day) in no time.

Delight #2

How did my ancestors in Kansas live without Air Conditioning!! AC is so easy to take for granted.

Delight #1

Indiana became a "hands free" state on July 1!! Distracted driving kills. Here's to hoping the new law will really change behavior...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Time Out

A pause from the daily delights to remind my readers of what they may already know...

The National Guard and specifically the Indiana National Guard (to include both Army and Air) have never deployed more service members than right now! Between supporting war efforts "down range" to supporting COVID-19 and civil unrest right here in Indiana and to say nothing of the Federal fulltime mission we have here in Terre Haute...the National Guard has never been called upon like this before in our history!

Let that sink in a bit...

Delight #23

From my Brian McLaren devotion:

"What would our community look like if God's dreams for it were coming true?"

Monday, June 22, 2020

Delight #22

As my Grandmother would say, "the days are getting a chicken step shorter now." What she meant was, this side of the Summer Solstice, we are getting a little bit less of light each day until the Winter Solstice. What does that have to do with chickens?? Grandma always said the the chickens can only get so far (less than yesterday) before they have to turn around and make it back to the hen house by sun down.

I always feel a little conflicted on June 22nd. On the one hand, we have lots of summer left. On the other, we will only get less and less light in our world until December 21st!

Then it hit me on my run this morning...if the sun's light is diminishing, doesn't mean the light I bring to my world have too as well.

In times of lessening light, I intend to bring as much light into the world as possible. I think I will start with being fully present in the moment and will endeavor to give myself away in Love, like I was taught by Christ.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Delight #21

The summer solitude and Father's day on the same day...that is one bright spot for 2020! We get to celebrate the longest sun-light day of the year and remember all the good fathering we have been given.

I am blest...

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Delight #20

Some traditions say that the afterlife only lasts as long as people talk well of you. While my Christian understanding is a bit different from this, the point is well taken: who will talk well of me after I am gone and for how long?

What about you?

Delight #19

I have a friend that routinely sends me (through text message) some of their devotional thoughts from the day. It is interesting to know what they are learning (the messages includes commentary from that person), but it is also good to see what that prompts in my day too. Such a simple act, but simple can be the best kind of acts most of the time. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Delight #18

I am still getting used to being called "Colonel" (even though I am really a Lt. Col.). I have worked long and hard to get to this rank and so I appreciate the title. And just when I am enjoying it, I realize that will great rank comes great responsibility. This keeps me humble!!

Delight #17

Running at sunrise is a gift. I love watching the sun reach out and above the trees. It always makes me think of Forest Gump and his run!

Delight #16

I have learned that my body will following what my mind wants it to do. This week I have made 2 different 5k runs. This is a huge step for me. Mind over matter is so true!

Delight #15

I love running! It has taken a long time to get here. I have spent many years only running because I have too. I now look forward to running. What a long strange trip it has been!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Delight #14

Evangelical UMC did outdoor worship today right! AND they honored the 2020 graduates with style. Well done EUM!!

Delight #13

Time with family is a gift!

Delight #12

It is easy to complain about bad weather. So I try to truly appreciate great weather...this week has had a TON of great weather. What a gift!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Delight #11

I do a lot of walking in the neighborhood in which I live in Terre Haute. I am definitely on the outs looking seems EVERYONE has a golf cart these days! The thing to do (at least in my neck of the woods) is to get your golf cart and a few of your friends and cruse the streets. It also seems to be a requirement that you consume alcohol and smoke various devices while on this wild ride. 

What's the delight? I like my walking, thank you!

Delight #10

I realized that depending on how you look at it, the same shape can either be a square or diamond. Why has it taken me this long to figure this out?

Maybe we all need to get a little different perspective on things...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the National Guard's positions or opinions.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Delight what?

For my new readers that are just joining me...instead of focusing on all the despair that is going on in the world right now, I am intentionally finding and naming at least one delight per day and then posting it here.

I apparently have inspired at least one person to do the same, only she has taken it to the next great step and is keeping a photo log of her daily delights. How awesome is that??

Delight #9

A bug flew into my mouth this AM while I was running! I am sure that was not the ending that little bug had dreamed about when it was a kid! While I could have easily thought more about what I just swallowed, I chose to focus on the incredible sunrise over the Base.

Here is an amended quote from one of my favorite Disney's full of easy choices--isn't it?!?!?

Monday, June 8, 2020

Delight #8

I am now keeping a running journal. I figure after running every day at least one mile since 2012, I ought to get serious!! I find that this journal (simple date, length and place of the runs) does two things:

  1. Makes me grateful for how much I have previously run
  2. Challenges me to run more and thus bet previous records
Turning 52 has taught me that I need to step up my physical fitness routine. Atrophy is a real and present danger.

I love the running concept of "positive split" which means that a runner's last lap is fastest one they run...I want to run and live with a positive split. That fits well with my Wesleyan theology of moving on to perfection in this lifetime!   

Delight #7

I am excited for the plans Evangelical UMC has recently announced about worshiping outside every week for the next few weeks. They have a wonderful setting in which to worship, complete with wonderful green space and parking for those that want options. Of course, I will continue to be able to worship with them through Facebook from Terre Haute. 

Delight #6

Dirt! What a delight to dig and touch the Earth. That's all...just a delight to stay grounded to our Earthen home by working and playing in the dirt.

Delight #5

I was recently reminded of an outstanding experience I had a few years ago...the Upper Room's "Academy for Spiritual Formation" is an intensive 2 year journey with week long classes and small groups in an amazing retreat setting spread out over those 2 years.

If you can swing it, I would highly recommend attending. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Delight #4

"Guardmount" is the official transition between work shifts for our Security Forces Defenders (USAF cops). I attended all 3 in one day recently and was reminded that we have some incredible Airmen that put their lives on the line for the freedom I have while I am on Base. They are on patrol and at various guard shacks 24/7/365. It is so easy to take for granted servants such as these. My visits where meant to ensure they know I deeply appreciate their work.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Delight #3

I recently ran a 5k before work. I realized the rest of the day that energy exerted on my run, extended new energy the rest of the day.

Energy spent is energy gained.

Counter-intuitive I know...but it is something to think about!

Delight #2

I have realized that I usually have diminishing desire to do certain tasks the later in the day it gets. Or said another way, I will NOT want to do a task more the more I put it off.

The early bird gets the worm and the early action Kent gets things done!

Delight #1

The power of smell is amazing. They say that smell is so powerful because it has a direct link to the brain. I was running recently at the flight line at the 181st early in the morning and the smell of the asphalt and the freshly cut grass took me straight away to my USAF basic training in the summer of 2007. And trust me, I was fully present in that memory...complete with training instructors yelling in my face!

Delight #31

As I was running recently with the sun on my face I realized what a gift perspective really is. My thoughts went back to this winter walking and running with the cold winter wind on my face. I promise to remember the sun's warmth this winter!

Delight #30

The power of Democracy expressed in the individuals right to vote is ALWAYS a delight! Vote!!!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Delight #29

De-cluttering feels great!!  There is power in being content with less.

Delight #28

I recently lost track of time. I got so involved in an outside project on a beautiful day that I literally had no idea what time it was. I had no cell phone with me which was an added bonus.

When you have been so enthralled in the moment that you lost all perception of time?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Delight? #27

I am finding it hard to find delight right now in the midst of the unconscionable murder of unarmed African-American George Floyd at the hands (and knee) of those who swore to protect him.

Lord, in your mercy...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Delight #26

Windshield wipers! What a great concept. We only think about them when we are driving in the rain. Where would we be without them?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Delight #25

What if I told you that there is an American that has been leading an international team for over 30 years treating TB patients in North Korea every six months?

I know...I didn't believe it either, until I watched a documentary called "Out of Breath" about a very dangerous and hard to treat strain of TB. The story of the Eugene Bell foundation goes against most everything I have read to date about the people of North Korea. Sure, there government leaves a lot to the imagination, but the people in this documentary told a different story.

Learn more here:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Delight #24

Rev. Brittney Stephan preached an outstanding sermon today at Evangelical UMC tying in Aldersgate Sunday, JC as short order cook by the sea (post Resurrection) and being the Church that cooks up Hope without boundaries. Very grateful for the gift of the good of the internet that makes worship possible since it is not possible to be in-person for worship right now.

Delight #23

Anniversary yesterday. Marti's birthday today!

Delight #22

27 years of marriage today to the most outstanding wife ever...a delight of delight!

Delight #21

Confession time...I am writing this on the 24th of May, so I am obviously behind a bit. Life had gotten in the way (in a good way) and I had lost track of my commitment to this blog. On the other hand, I have realized it is good to just loose yourself in the midst of living every now and then.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Delight #20

I work with some incredible professionals that want nothing more than our Airmen and their families to thrive, especially during these difficult times. I was reminded of that recently when some of us worked on a project together.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Delight #19

My head already knew the following: most military videos I do get cleared to sit in a public database thingy that anyone can pick up and my heart knows it as well because it just happened to me!

A Christian Broadcasting Network news story on Army Chaplains (not a typo!) included a brief video of me (NOT in the Army) lighting a Christ candle during a recent worship service we recorded.

Talk about scrapping the bottom of the video barrel! It was fun none-the-less!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Delight #18

Today would have been my Mother's 85th birthday. She died in 2013 from stomach cancer. We didn't always see eye to eye BUT, I knew she was proud of me and believe in me. Good stuff!!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Delight #17

I have been thinking about my Maternal Grandfather, Ed. He was a wheat farmer in North Central Kansas.  He is one of the hardest working men I have known. Other than eating dinner and driving a farmer implement, I really don't ever remember Grandpa sitting down. AND he was on the move with only one leg! He lost a leg in a farm accident before I came along. I marvel at how active he was with a wooden leg. He didn't move quickly, but he was always on the move. If Grandpa could keep moving and working, I have no excuse!

Delight #16

The very next day after washing and waxing my van by hand a bird with an obvious intestinal issue drop its load on the center of my hood.  My Mother said there would be days like these. Life is to full of delight to let this get me down. Life goes on...

Delight #15

I recently washed and waxed my van that has 340,000 miles on it. Some might think that is silly to invest the time into something with that many miles. I rather look at it as just because it has enough miles on it to be considered "junk" doesn't mean it has to look like junk.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Delight #14

In addition to running my regular run in the morning, I have been running a 5K once a week in the afternoon. At first I thought I couldn't do is amazing what we are really capable of when we put our minds to it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Delight #13

I work in a very special place doing some amazing things around the world. I already knew this, but I have been reminded anew lately...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Delight #12

One of my devotionals contains old Charles Wesley lyrics that I have never heard. Here is a spinet of just one of those verses:

             "By thy power divinely glorious, by thy resurrection's power, raise us up, o'er sin victorious"

Delight #11

It was a perfect evening for a walk in Terre Haute. It is so easy to take good weather for granted. The sun was out, the wind was down and the temperature was just right!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Delight #10

The purple of the Red Bud trees have been outstanding this Spring. Or maybe I have just noticed them more. What a gift the colors of Spring are!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Delight #9

My paternal grandfather loved to go for rides on the back roads around his North Central Kansas farm. Driving him on some of those rides when he was older is a treasured memory I carry with me to this day. What a gift to slow down and enjoy the ride as much (maybe more!) than the destination.

Delight #8

The Mother of my sons is an outstanding Mother. She taught them compassion, service and perseverance. Thank God for great Mothering!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Delight #7

Running with the recent super moon was outstanding. What a sight! What a gift to be out early and enjoy the sight of the last super moon of the 2020!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Delight #6

I have been reading the Apocryphal books recently and wow...Judith was an amazing warrior. Kind of makes Jael seem a little Junior Varisty.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Delight #5

The "usual" road to my apartment was closed. I was forced to find another way, a new way. While I could have been upset about the inconvenience of going the long way home, I chose to appreciate the new sites I saw along the alternate way home.

The power of choice is a power indeed!

Delight #4

I am delighted to do the work I am doing in such a place as the 181st. What a very special place to be in ministry!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Delight #3

Worshiping online with Evangelical UMC was outstanding this Sunday.

Delight #2

Voting by mail allowed me and encouraged me to do some of the most research I have ever done before voting.

If you have not done so, request a ballot, do your research and then do THE one thing that is the linchpin of our Democracy--VOTE!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Delight #1

Since I get confused easily, I am starting over the numbering with the new month...

For review: I have decided that the antidote to despair is to find at least one delight per day and post it here.

I am delighted that folks are reading this and have been inspired to do a similar thing in their lives.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Delight #30

April 30 was my 3,000th day in a row of running at least 1 mile per day. It has an amazing ride so far and I have no intentions of giving up now on the streak.

Small things really do matter. Do them long effort and with enough great effort, little things can make a HUGE impact on your life.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Delight #29

Part of the Chaplain Corps team has been activated to support the State's COVID-19 response (this does not include me because I am on Federal orders serving a Federal mission).

Those Airmen stopped by the 181st recently. It was great to hear their stories of how they are helping build resiliency within the front line healthcare workers throughout this great state.

Air National Guard members answer to the President and to our Governor depending on the need. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Delight #28

I had the privilege of recording a video with other members of the Resiliency Team (flight Doc and Director of Psychology Health) recently.

My part was centered around two themes: we may not feel good, but we can still do good; and what we practice grows stronger.

I suggested when we discover the power of the rituals of Faith we are doing good and we are practicing things that we want to grow stronger within us (peace, joy, self-control, generosity, etc.) as opposed to hurt, resentment, anger, etc.

I have a hard time keeping them straight, but I think this video will either win an Emmy or an Oscar...stay tuned!!

Delight #27

One of the most enriching spiritual disciplines I am doing right now is working through this outstanding study:

Brian McLaren is one of the best contemporary theologians I am aware of.

Good, good stuff...

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Delight #26

I worshiped backwards today! The EUM worship leaders were in the "back" of the sanctuary so that those of us worshiping could see the outstanding stained glass windows behind them.

The first say be last...the back will be the front!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Delight #25

National Public Radio. My mainstay primary source of what is going on in the world. I would be lost without NPR. It is a national treasure.

AND Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me is a regular boost to my immune system with all the guaranteed laughs week after week.

Delight #24

Great conversations! Easy to take such things for granted. It seems like we are loosing the art of sustained talking and deep listening.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Delight #23

I have officially made it 52 times around the Sun! Life is a gift.

Delight #22

On the last day of being 51 years old I ran a 5k at the base. This was in addition to my morning run. It was a gift to be able to be outside with a body that still is doing what I want it to do!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Delight #21

Good teammates! I work some fantastic folks at the 181st and it makes all the difference...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Delight #20

The blue sky was my delight for the day! What a gift. No matter what storms may blow through, the blue sky is always there even I may not see it for the moment.

All storms run out of rain. Blue skies always return.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Delight #19

From Psalm 51 (the Message): "...shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life."

What a delight to behold the power in the possibility of that Psalm!!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Delight #18

I was reminded that I have inherited a rich legacy from those family members that have gone on before me. What a treasure to receive what they left.

May I always endeavor to leave a legacy worth remembering...

Friday, April 17, 2020

Delight #17

Video chatting with dear friends that nourished the soul and put laughter in my belly. What a gift!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Delight #16

I connected with a former congregant that moved out West several years ago. It was a huge delight to catch up over the phone. These types of connections are a true gift that the local Church gives us!

Delight #15

I am delighted and impressed with all the ways Marti and her EUM team are leaning into being the Church during C-19. They are not letting anyone or anything hold them back from taking a very creative approach during these unprecedented times.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Delight #14

I had a great meeting with out new Director of Physiological Health recently. What a refreshing reminder that "mental" and "spiritual" are 2 sides of the same coin--comprehensive health. It is not either or. Being mentally healthy allows be to be more alive to God in Christ. A vibrant spirituality enables my brain to function at full capacity.

And if you know me well, you know my brain needs all the help it can get!!! 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Delight #13

I just learned that the 1918-1920 "Spanish" Flu was apparently started in my beloved home state of Kansas and it killed approximately 25% of the world's population.

I believe all four of my grandparents were born in the teens of last century. I am sorry I never asked any of them about this.

The delight for the day is that they all survived and for that, I am most grateful.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Delight #11


What a privilege to work outside with yard implements and dirt on my hands!! The Earth is the one and is good to stay grounded in the dirt.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Delight #10

Good Friday worship through video chatting at EUM! Well done to the team that put on a very meaningful service. 

Easter is coming and this year we will be more than ready to celebrate...AMEN???

Delight #9

Conversations are awesome when we take the time to really listen! My Chaplain Assistant and I did some of our usual workplace visitation and we learned so much. There is immense power in the simple act of walking around and having face to face conversations. We learned so much and folks seem to really appreciate us taking the time to check in on them.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Delight #8

Perspective. I delighted in perspective. Here is what I mean:

While sweating in the 80 degree heat while exercising outside I realized that compared to the bitter cold this winter, I love the 80 degree heat!! What a delight to have the gift of perspective! Without the bitter cold of winter, I probably would not have appreciated the warmth of the day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Delight #7

I am going to bend my own are 2 outstanding delights from the day:

My Lenten Bible Study had to move to Google Handouts and was a great reminder that the medium doesn't matter...I seem to remember something about "where 2 or 3 are gathered" is a great group and they are already asking what we are studying next!

I got to fly my kite today! ANY day that I get to fly my kite is an OUTSTANDING day!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Delight #6

Nothing compares to talking face to face! I have had an ongoing conversation through email the past several days that was getting nowhere. Lots of confusions. Lots of assumptions. Lots of going nowhere fast!

Then we talked on the phone. 15 minutes and all is well!

Isn't that something?  What a delight!

Delight #5

Worship online with the awesome Evangelical UMC. Marti and the EUM team has risen to the occasion with creative thinking and passionate hard working "get 're done" attitude.

I believe that the Churches that are leaning into these changes will come out BETTER than when they started!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Delight #4

The Chaplain Corps team at the 181st is outstanding! We had a great team meeting today and it made me realize what a delight it is to work with creative and passionate people.

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Delight #3

Farmers in the fields!

My evening walk was next to several farm fields and farmers where everywhere on this beautiful day working the soil. What a sight. What a reminder of how connected we are to the Earth in real ways.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Delight #2

Today's moment of delight was hands down THE best moment of my day...I got to video chat with my two best elementary aged friends. There is something sacred about seeing the world through the eyes of children. Our chat was a blessing and life enriching.

These two friends showed up for me in a big way during my last deployment. That has made a lasting impact on my life.

They helped me understand their world and I tried to encourage them to bring their best self to each day because I am convinced they will be telling their grand-kids someday about the adventures of 2020.

What delighted you today?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Delight #1

As I mentioned in a prior post, I have been inspired to find one moment of delight per day and post it here on my blog.  It has been fun being on a "delight scavenger hunt" today wondering what one moment I would capture here. If today is any indication my problem will NOT being having nothing to write (pardon the double negative) but selecting only one moment of delight per day!

My apartment in Terre Haute is in a lovely neighbor and I love going for walks in the evening after dinner.

Delight moment number 1 was a child's large handwriting in sidewalk chalk in the street that said,
"Please pick up your dog's poop. Thank you." Complete with an arrow to the edge of the road where, you guessed it, was a large pile of dog poop in the grass!

There you go...only 180 more moments of delight to discover between now and September 30th!!

What brought you delight today? Comment below if you wanna...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

From Despair to Delight

I am a HUGE National Public Radio fan. One of the reasons is that I get to hear things that I can't hear anywhere else while driving in my car. 

One of those programs is "On Being" with Krista Tippett. The recent episode of "Tending Joy and Practicing Delight" was outstanding. It can be found here:

That program inspired me to begin a "Delight Journal" on Wednesday. April 1st will mark the beginning of my 2nd 6 months of my year long deployment so I thought that would be an excellent time to improve my "delight muscle" (as it is called in the program).

The idea is simple, find one moment of delight per day and write about it on this blog! I endeavor to do my best to hold to that schedule.

Grandma always said, "you find what you look for." I have had enough of finding despair these past few weeks, so I am formally declaring that I beginning a delight quest and in so doing I intend to find all the delightful moments of life that get so easily overlooked by despair. 

Stay tuned...

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I miss my gym

Our base gym is closed. I really miss my gym. There is a part of me that can't believe I just typed that. I grew up a pasty, lumpy (that was one of nicknames from Middle School!) out of shape kid and never did anything related to exercise.

How did I get from hating exercising to missing it so much? Baby steps. The older I get the more I realize how powerful small things are that build into big things. A few more minutes on the treadmill today leads to more miles tomorrow. Saying no to an extra snack today leads to weight loss tomorrow.

I can't control tomorrow, but I can set myself up for future success by making wise and healthy little decisions today. There is a power in the little choices I make in this moment.

What are your choices right now saying about your tomorrow self?

It's always windy on the flight line

If I ever write a book, it will be entitled: "It is Always Windy on the Flight Line." Throughout my military career I have spent a lot of time on many different flight lines. So believe me that it is always windy on the flight line.

As you can imagine with no trees and wide open flat spaces there is nothing to block the wind. It is amazing how a couple of blocks away from the flight line there would be absolutely no wind and then heading over to the flight line reveals a very windy situation!

I am still working on all the life lessons that this encompasses, but here are a few:

  • It does no good to complain about the wind...the wind doesn't matter what you think of it
  • Take off your cover (hat) before getting out on the flight line or you will lose it
  • Lean into the wind or your will fall over
  • Visual communication is important because you can't hear all that well (there is a story of the Apostles healing post Ascension and they told the person to "let at me" not "listen to me.")
  • Running on the flight line and taking a PT means you better be prepared to run against the wind
  • Seeing the horizon in the distance because of the wide open spaces is a gift (wide open horizons are one of the things I really miss about can see forever out there!)
  • The same wind that slows me down when I run, gives lift to the aircraft in air
  • I love flying kites and I can't do this without good wind

Fee free to comment to let me know what think but don't look for this book on sale any time soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

2 Enemies

We are now fighting 2 enemies at the 181st. The first, global terrorism, is not new. COVID-19 is. Although there are no current confirmed cases on base, we are "adjusting fire" as they say moment by moment to make sure we are ready when/if that happens. "Change" is the word of the day around here!

Here is what has not changed...I am still called to be in this place for such a time as this to be a representation of the Holy. I do that by workplace visitation, praying with Airmen, counseling and leading a couple of different Bible Studies (we stay 6 feet a part in the room!).

I am confident in our leadership and the plans they have in place to get the mission done, no matter what! I am honored I get to show up each day and wear the uniform of the World's finest Air Force. I am humbled that I can be a potential instrument of salt and light to my Airmen in these anxious and interesting times.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Out of control

Just like you, there is much out of my control right now...but not everything! I figure one way to combat the anxiety of what I can't control is redouble my efforts in what I can control.

Some things that I am intentionally working on that I TOTALLY control:

  • My attitude! No one is allowed in my head but me!
  • My Faith in Christ Jesus...I live in an Easter world and I am going to continue to lean towards Easter at all times.
  • My personal responsibility. I decide how I spend my free time (I am doing a lot more reading!). I decide how I am preparing for different contingencies. The successes of tomorrow begin with my personal responsibility today. 
  • Taking an extra step to stay connected to family and friends to let them know I am here for them.
  • Participating virtually with Evangelical UMC by regularly worshiping with them and doing whatever I am asked by their Senior Pastor!
  • Eating more healthy...nuff said!
  • More exercise...I am down several pounds from when I started this deployment because of being intentional with physical exercise. 
  • Being patient with others. I don't help others around me through their anxiety if I am short with them.
  • Thinking creatively in how to be a good citizen in the 21st century. One of my early predictions was (and still it), that we are going to find out some amazing new ways to be the church, be in community, do good for the world around us, etc. by being forced to think outside the box. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think there will be organizations and companies that will find out really soon that they could have been more efficient and effective had they be doing new things well (like they are doing because of COVID-19).  One example is the residential college all those colleges really need all those students living in all those dorms??
  • Being more grateful...there is a lot that stinks right now in the world, but there is WAY more good right now as well. My hunch is that this pandemic will make many of us not take so much for granted. At the top of my grateful list is health care professionals! When this is all said and done I say they get an immediate 52 weeks of paid vacation!! 

What about you? What are you intentionally controlling in the midst of all that is out of control? 

One final thought that has been on my heart lately is that my life is not my own. I strive to say and live with Paul each day..."not me, but Christ who lives within me."

Monday, March 16, 2020


As you can imagine, doing top secret work can't be done at home. So there will be no tele-commuting at the 181st. The mission must get done and is getting done by some amazingly committed Airmen.

Times like this, I find it best to think of my good friend Jill and her gardening mantra..."head down, butt up." Meaning, it may not be fun to pull all those weeds, but pull we head down and butt up to get it done!

And it has been a very enriching time to be in the business of the ministry of presence.

Stay close to the ones you love.

Stay close to your community of Faith (online participation, give, pray)

Stay close to the call we have from God to be people that follows in the Way of the Prince of Peace.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

It is well...

This song got me through more than one dark time during my last deployment in KSA. I have found myself coming back to it in the last few days.

Have a listen for yourself and tell me that this is not THE best hybrid traditional/newer hymn????

Friends...this is not the Lent we were expecting, but it is the Lent we got...may this be your prayer too for such a time as this.

Grander earth has quaked before
Moved by the sound of His voice
Seas that are shaken and stirred
Can be calmed and broken for my regard

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
Through it all, through it all
It is well

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
It is well with me

Far be it from me to not believe
Even when my eyes can't see

And this mountain that's in front of me
Will be thrown into the midst of the sea

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
Through it all, through it all
It is well

[Bridge x3]
So let go my soul and trust in Him
The waves and wind still know His name [repeat last line during 3rd run]

It is well with my soul
It is well with my soul
It is well with my soul
It is well with my soul [x3]

It is well it is well with my soul [x3]

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You Lord
Through it all [2-x3]

Monday, March 9, 2020

Easter in Prison

I attended another prison worship service recently in a section of the Federal prison that I had not been before. The section I was in was probably built in the 1930-50s. The Chapel was an amazing space with lovely custom woodworking that the inmates had done.

There were also amazing stained glass windows that caught the setting sun in an outstanding way. I was very impressed.

I was also impressed with how much the inmates participated in the service and went out of their way to thank me for being there.

But I have to talk about the Easter banner hanging up front...

I can be somewhat of a Liturgically snob. The seasons of the Church year are very important to me. They remind me that I am marching to a different rhythm from the popular culture. It bothers me when worship spaces display out of season colors and banners.

It is Lent, not Easter so it is too early to be hanging an Easter banner (complete with the empty tomb and the stone rolled away) in a prison worship space. Or so I thought.

But then it hit me. These guys probably don't need any more reminders of the wilderness of Lent that is their 24/7/365 prison life. They need reminders of the transforming power of Easter 24/7/365.

So I am ok with an out of season Easter banner in a prison Chapel during Lent.

And another thing...the stone being rolled away on the banner, is the same manner that all barred prison doors open. They slide (roll?) right to left. No one goes anywhere without the prison doors "rolled" away.  As you can imagine, there are lots of doors inside a prison.

I am grateful for the lesson that God can roll stones/doors even, and especially, out of season! 

You Looking at Me??

I had a conversation recently with a young Airmen that I regularly see in the gym lifting weights. He can pump iron! Wow is he strong.

I told him that his workout was impressive and then he said, "Chaplain, you inspire me; I hate running and you are always in the gym running." I told him I was a "streaker" (see other post) and that I just trying to be wholly healthy as a Airmen.

This got me thinking about the role models of physical health that I looked up to when I was younger. There were the obese UMC pastors that made being a pastor synonymous with not caring one bite about physical health. Believe me, they inspired me...NOT to be like them!

Then I got to thinking about all the "old" guys that I looked too that inspired me. I amuse these "old" guys where in their 50s like me! But I remember thinking, wow, I want to be like them...old and fit!

It is possible, but it does take effort. I am not saying I am a perfect example of fitness, but apparently I am now old and thus am a reluctant inspiration to some younger folk trying to be fit. 

Life is cyclical...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Next Week Kent

I do a lot of counseling in my role as a military chaplain. There are a few themes that have emerged recently. One of them is essentially, "how can I have a better life NOW?"

The short answer is that there are rarely easy answers. But I have shared my unscientific method with some folks and thought I would share it with you.

I have realized that the more I think about "next week Kent" (in about 7 days) the better next week Kent is. I encourage folks to think of their future self and then ask themselves what they can do now to make that future self happy.

Here is an example: I may want a doughnut NOW, but I know next week Kent would not be happy with me for doing that.

So how do you get a better life right now? Ask yourself what kind of life you want next week and start making decisions so that your future self is happy.

Eventually, you will catch up to your future self and last week's decisions are then multiplied and compounded to give you a better life "now" (which was "next week" last week).

Maybe another way to say it is that delayed gratification is a wonderful gift we can give ourselves. Certainly that is one of the messages of Jesus' temptation. The devil was into "do it NOW" and JC was more, "no thanks, I am in it for the long haul and I want to keep next week JC happy."

What do you think? 


My basketball officiating will come to an end for the season tomorrow and this has got me in a retrospective mood. So here is some randomness from my season:

  • I LOVE basketball. It doesn't matter the level/grade, it is an outstanding sport. Thank you Dr. Naismith
  • One or two knucklehead parents/fans can sour a whole game (see my other post)
  • I got to officiate a Churubusco game (I work for an assignor and go where I am told)
  • A 5th grade girl hit a last second 3 point shot from right inside the half court line and drilled it off the backboard. The place went nuts!
  • The blessing of making new friends in new places is a gift
  • Reconnecting with old friends that I have not seen in many years
  • Instead of spending dark winter nights in my apartment, I was on the court getting great exercise
  • I am grateful for Terre Haute officials that have given me a wide welcome into their officiating community
  • Some schools know how to do hospitality right...others don't seem to ever give it a thought. I wish there were a standard that schools had to follow
  • Before this season, the last official game I worked was Feb., 2007 and I didn't realize how much I missed being on the court

Ash Wed.

This is the day of new beginnings...a first step into the wilderness of sacrifice, introspection and mud on our face. Or ashes to be more clear.

I will be leading a 10 minute service today at 1100 local. I will remind us that the ashes mean 3 things (at least):

  • Ashes are an outward and visible sign of an inward penitent spirit (our sin grieves us)
  • Ashes make us stick out today, but we should stick out the other 364 days of the year by the counter culture ways we love, extend grace and answer to a higher calling
  • And ashes are a sign of hope. In the words of one of my favorite Meatloaf songs, "you've been through the fires of hell and have the ashes to prove it!" The hell of our sin is not the last word...
...but I am getting ahead of myself. We got 39 more days (not counting Sundays, i.e. "Little Easters") of wilderness to go. Repentance during Lent is not quick, it might hurt and it differently will cause of to lean on each other.

May your Lenten journey be Holy. 

Friday, February 14, 2020


"Retreat" is not usually a good word in military circles. But for this weekend it will be an outstanding word! I am getting ready to support a Strong Bonds "Fearless Marriage" retreat for 33 couples from the 181st. We will be in downtown Indy at a wonderful hotel and be treated to a great curriculum that promises to deepen our marriages.

Strong Bonds is one of the best keep secrets of the Air National Guard. It is money that supports retreats like this as well as retreats for families and single Airmen at absolutely no cost. We give preference to those that have recently deployed, but other than that anyone can sign up.

My hunch is that just the fact that these couples are intentionally separating themselves from their hectic day to day world will be as much a benefit as the curriculum. Why is it so hard to let the day to day cares of "real life" overwhelm us?

If Jesus needed retreats what is our excuse? He was notorious for holding in tension times of engagement and times of pulling back either in solitude or a small group.

How about you? Is it time for some good retreating? What would it take to make it happen?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sacred Text Reading

One things the Chaplain Corps at the 181st is implementing this month is a different monthly theme to help Airmen exercise their spiritual fitness. Official USAF doctrine states that we can't be totally fit without holding in check the pillars of emotional, physical, social and spiritual. Needless to say, the spiritual pillar is our lane as the Chaplain Corps.

I was a part of a short video that I shared on Facebook that was picked up by the Active Duty Chaplain Corps that tried to explain what we are attempting to with these pit stops (as a reminder, our unit is closely tied to the Hulman family that owned the Indy 500 for several years...we are called the "Racers" in their honor).

Anyways...this month's focus is sacred text reading. Sacred texts ground us, giving us meaning and bring us hope. Of course the Bible is the top of the list for Christians. But I would add that their are other writings that I consider sacred that help me understand the teachings of Scripture. Some of those authors on my list are: John Wesley, Thomas Merton, Diana Butler Bass, Rosemary Reuther, Rachel Held Evans and Barbara Brown Taylor.

What reading do you do on a regular basis that grounds you, gives you meaning and brings you hope?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


WARNING...I am on my soapbox...

What is wrong with some parents?!?!?!?!?

As you will remember, one way I am trying to maintain a balance to my life is by getting back into basketball officiating. I was a Men's College Division One basketball official before I answered a Divine Calling of military chaplaincy. I have truly missed officiating the greatest sport on the planet.

I recently did a 6th grade game (it doesn't matter where) and a few parents were embarrassingly pathetic in the asinine ways (I warned you about being on my soapbox) they thought they could be better officials from the stands.

"Traveling!" "Call it the same at both ends, ref!" "He's fouling him every time."

I would love to know what these parents think they are really accomplishing. I can't speak for all referees, but the more I hear crap like that this, the more (or less depending on the alignment of the yelling parent) I want to call what they are crying about.

Let me just say this...the basketball court is a classroom. Parents--you are teaching your children valuable lessons in that classroom. Please think twice about how you trash my authority as a referee, because if you keep it up, someday very soon your child will loose all respect for your authority.

And that my friends is a very certain thing indeed!

Back to Prison

I attended another worship service in a different section of the Federal Prison in Terre Haute last night. As you might remember, there are three separate prisons at the one location. I have already written about my visit to the lowest security facility. Last night's visit was to the maximum security unit.

I arrived 30 minutes early so that I could be processed through the TSA scanner and metal detector (complete with taking off my shoes, belt and coat). I then received a stamp on the back of my hand. The guard told me that this was more important than my picture badge I was wearing. Without this stamp, I would be considered a prisoner and would not be allowed to leave. (There is a joke in here someplace that would probably be best coming from my wife on those days I am a less than ideal husband!).

The service was led by two Biker Chaplains. According to the stories they told, they have been just about everywhere and seen it all as well! We were always in the presence of prison staff Chaplain, but he has his own services he leads, so he didn't participate in this service.

We waited for the next "movement" of inmates before we could begin. As you can imagine, everything is very tightly controlled and inmates only move in groups when they are told too. It became clear after we waited 30 minutes, that I was on their time, not mine...which is fine. I am doing this because I believe these inmates are worth my time and effort.

The inmates I visited with before and the after the service seemed to genuinely appreciate us being there. There was a wide range of ages. One younger gentlemen was proud to show me a picture of his wife and 3 teenage children.

It is a sacred thing to ruminate about the freedom we have in Christ while being inside a prison. I found myself thinking about all the times I "imprison" myself, such as:

  • Negative thinking
  • Worrying about the future
  • Losing sight of my identity in Christ 
  • Thinking that my life is really about me
  • Not eating right
  • Not getting enough exercise
What about you? Where are your prisons? 


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Theology for the 21st Century

As you may or may not know, our UMC Social Principles have been revised and will be up for adoption by the General Conference this May. While I don't personally believe everything in it, I love the good changes and especially the way it starts:

We affirm that all creation belongs to God and is a manifestation of God’s goodness and providential care. Human beings, nonhuman animals, plants, and other sentient and non sentient beings participate in the community of creation, and their flourishing depends on the care of all God’s creation. (emphasis added)

Artificial Intelligence is here. Interacting with non sentient beings is not a thing of science fiction, it is a thing for 2020. I am very pleased that the UMC is adding this now in our updated Social Principles.

I am predicting that we will, in the very near future, be discussing such things as:

  • AI companion robots that accompany congregants to worship (do we count them at worship attendees?)
  • Being promoted by AI when a congregant needs spiritual care provided for them in the home or nursing facility/hospital
  • Using driver-less cars to bring congregants to/from church
  • Leveraging AI to tailor religious education for the individual congregant/family setting (taking into account various learning styles and abilities) 
  • Allowing AI to manage church finances to maximize impact of resources
  • Tailoring AI to instruct congregants to be better stewards of their resources (i.e. plugging them into volunteer services opportunities, assisting in giving 10% of income to the Kingdom building of the church, making Christ-centered ethical decisions, etc.) 
  • AI in the pulpit...allowing congregational feedback in real time to help direct preaching
What an interesting time to be the church!

For the whole document in English, click here:

Vice Boss and Emails

In the USAF, the Wing Chaplain reports directly to and is supervised by the Vice Wing Commander. I have an outstanding boss. Very smart about lots of thing and really cares about people. He does have one flaw however...he is a huge Ohio State fan. I will overlook that for now.

One thing he says constantly is how much he hates e-mail. This took some getting use too. I thought I loved email...efficient, direct and a receipt of what was communicated.

After his encouragement to do less emailing and more face to face talking, I have come to realize what I was missing. There is such power in face to face conversations. Here are some things I have learned in emailing less and talking face to face more:

  • I learn way more about the person and/or situation
  • I get immediate feedback on how the message is received by seeing non-verbal communication clues
  • I am funnier! It is true...I love to laugh, but I rarely try to be funny in emails because I don't know how it will be taken...face to face I can joke more and I am hilarious! Just ask me. 
  • I get things done faster (harder for someone to say "no" to my face)
  • I get more exercise by walking all over the base meeting people
  • I get more credibility by taking the time to visit someone on their "turf"
Emails still have their place, but when in doubt I am doing all I can to have as many face to face conversations.

"The Word become an email and dwelt among us" said no Gospel ever! 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Belching Windbag

I heard and excellent sermon today by Marti (you should check it out on their Facebook page) about the importance of making friends with silence. We live in a noise addicted world, as you know. Being silent with each other is a great gift.

The basis of the sermon was Job's three "friends" and how they didn't do silence well. One of them (according to the Message) tells Job he is a "belching windbag." My Grandmother would say that is the pot calling the kettle black!

This sermon has inspired me to declare publicly that I promise never to be a belching windbag. I know, I know...some of you have heard me preach and wonder how I can help NOT be a belching windbag!!

What would it be like if we all made the decision to not be a belching windbag??? What a wonderful world that would be.

Just so no to: talking with a closed mind; talking more than we listen; condescending conversations; blind allegiance to windbag politicians; blind allegiance to windbag religious leaders; always having to be right; always having something to say; confusing facts with opinions; sacrificing the Truth on the altar of consumerism...

I will stop there since I seem to be getting a little windy!

Who will join me?

Home Team

One of my standard questions I ask when meeting new Airmen is, "who do you have at home supporting you?" Most Airmen live in the area and have friends and family close by. There are those (like me!) that have moved to Terre Haute by themselves for this deployment year. I try to especially to keep tabs on those folks.

This has got me feeling incredibility grateful for my home team. Marti, Josh and Nathan give me inspiration and encouragement that allows me to get re-energized for the journey ahead. I am blest to have a loving family that is here for each other.

Of course my home team is bigger than just those 3. I am grateful for friends and church congregants that check in on me.

This deployment involves much that I can't talk about, but is sure is good to talk about the other 99% of my life with those that are close.

Thank you home team! 

Celled Phone

As I have mentioned, I spend much of my day in a Top Secret area known as a SCIF. There are no window and no cell phones.

At first I had some apprehension of being away from my cell phone that much. But now I love it! It is amazing how present I have become in the moment when I am literally not thinking about my phone in my pocket. What a liberating thing it is to be detached from those things that sap our ability to be fully present!

Maybe it is just me, but I have had some amazing conversations in the SCIF and I think a big part of that is that we know we are not going anywhere and we don't have the fear of a cell phone interrupting us.

I have come a long ways in making friends with the is a gift.

What distractions can you leave in order to make you more present?

Friday, January 10, 2020


I have been reminded recently that the Global War on Terror is waged wherever terrorism exists AND from wherever. One of those "wherever" places is the 181st, of course. I continue to be amazed at the "heavy lifting" we are doing in a corn field in IN for the Global War of Terror.

It is right and fitting that those in the direct path of harm should get our loudest praise and deepest admiration. But...(I know I am bias)...let us never forget that there are those right here at home fighting on our behalf. The Intelligence Group at the 181st is filled with hard working, smart and dedicated Air National Guard members...many of them in the 20s!!

I am honored to serve them for such a time as this. My world has been expanded greatly by serving within the Intelligence community. Let us never forget the seen AND unseen ways we are fighting terrorism.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Exercising my Calling

I would say that I have spent at least 90% of my life's Sundays in worship in a local Church someplace in the world. My parents were insistent that us kids where in worship every Sunday (it helped that we lived next door to our UMC!).

As I was exercising this AM (Sunday Jan. 5) at the 181st, it struck me that I would not be in a local Church today to worship. I have mixed feelings about this. I miss the connections that are shared in worship and because of worship.

But then I realized that I am right here because of my Divine Calling to be a military Chaplain.

God calls us to some very unlikely places (the 25 year old Kent would NEVER had dreamed that the 51 year old Kent would be in the Air Force!), so it is with great pride and honor that I proclaim that I didn't go to Church today but I was the Church (as best as I could) responsible for the Gospel message right here at the 181st for military members that are serving our great country and couldn't go to Church as well.

12th Day of Christmas

I had the privilege of leading a short time of worship/devotion today at the 181st. We talked about the nature of "light." Some things we thought about when we thought of light were:
  • Warmth
  • Direction
  • Glow
  • Transforming darkness  
We then read together the Matthew 2 version of the Magi's visit to the Light of the World. 

The closing of our time together was spent in silent prayer mediating of how we need to let the Light of Jesus Christ so transform us that we are sent home a different way...a better way, living THE Way of Christ.

What parts of your life need transforming?

What are you going to do about it?