Sunday, March 29, 2020

From Despair to Delight

I am a HUGE National Public Radio fan. One of the reasons is that I get to hear things that I can't hear anywhere else while driving in my car. 

One of those programs is "On Being" with Krista Tippett. The recent episode of "Tending Joy and Practicing Delight" was outstanding. It can be found here:

That program inspired me to begin a "Delight Journal" on Wednesday. April 1st will mark the beginning of my 2nd 6 months of my year long deployment so I thought that would be an excellent time to improve my "delight muscle" (as it is called in the program).

The idea is simple, find one moment of delight per day and write about it on this blog! I endeavor to do my best to hold to that schedule.

Grandma always said, "you find what you look for." I have had enough of finding despair these past few weeks, so I am formally declaring that I beginning a delight quest and in so doing I intend to find all the delightful moments of life that get so easily overlooked by despair. 

Stay tuned...

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