Sunday, January 12, 2020

Belching Windbag

I heard and excellent sermon today by Marti (you should check it out on their Facebook page) about the importance of making friends with silence. We live in a noise addicted world, as you know. Being silent with each other is a great gift.

The basis of the sermon was Job's three "friends" and how they didn't do silence well. One of them (according to the Message) tells Job he is a "belching windbag." My Grandmother would say that is the pot calling the kettle black!

This sermon has inspired me to declare publicly that I promise never to be a belching windbag. I know, I know...some of you have heard me preach and wonder how I can help NOT be a belching windbag!!

What would it be like if we all made the decision to not be a belching windbag??? What a wonderful world that would be.

Just so no to: talking with a closed mind; talking more than we listen; condescending conversations; blind allegiance to windbag politicians; blind allegiance to windbag religious leaders; always having to be right; always having something to say; confusing facts with opinions; sacrificing the Truth on the altar of consumerism...

I will stop there since I seem to be getting a little windy!

Who will join me?

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