Tuesday, August 25, 2020

All Wave

I have made a commitment to wave at everyone while I am running at the 181st. I started this with our Security Forces. They are some of the most underappreciated Airmen in the whole force. They serve in the most dangerous places in all weather condition just so I have a safe place in which to do my job. 

If anyone deserves my acknowledgment of them with a simple wave, it is our Defenders. Since I run everyday the same pattern on base I usually cross paths with them a few different times. But that does not matter, everyone gets a wave every time.

What is totally cool is that some of the Defenders as the drive by flash their red and blue lights at me. I assume they are "waving" back in their own way.

Or maybe I am running so fast that they are telling me to slow down!?!?!?!?!?!?

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