Monday, July 29, 2019

The 411

Here are details as I know them for my upcoming 3rd deployment:

  • I am being involuntary mobilized to be full time at the 181st Intelligence Wing (IN Air National Guard) in Terre Haute, IN
  • From Oct. 1, 2019 to Sept. 30, 2020
  • I am an Endorsed UMC Air National Guard Chaplain, which means I have two Divine appointments (local church and ANG)
  • Bishop Trimble has announced that I will return as Senior Pastor to Churubusco after my deployment (I am very grateful and humbled) 
  • I will not be an employee of CUMC while I am away
  • There will be an interim Senior Pastor appointed in my absence
  • The very able Pastor Doug will continue as Associate Pastor 
  • 181st does not housing on base, I am responsible for finding my own 
  • No solitary person deploys...I am grateful for family, friends and congregants that have and will continue to support me on this journey...thank you! 


This is a disclaimer!

In this blog I will not speak for the Federal Government, the Department of Defense, the United States Air Force, the Indiana National Guard or the 181st IW.

This is a space to publicly process with those interested readers some of what I experience. My formal training is as a pastor.  My intent is to share theologically as a pastor to whatever "flock" that might follow me here.

There is much I will not be sharing in this space such as any mission particulars or stories that are not my own.

Furthermore, I will not be discussing anything related to Churubusco UMC. While deployed, I will not be their pastor and it is not my place to interfere with all the great things that I know will happen while I am away. They are a great church filled with awesome servant leaders. They don't need me weighing in from afar.

With this disclaimer, I welcome you on this journey...

War @ Home

I have intentionally named the blog for my 3rd deployment "war @ home" for a couple of different reasons:

  • The war on terror is literally being fought full time right here at home in our great state of Indiana
  • The Sensor operators that are interpreting the drone footage from the war zones all day are then expected to go home and play with their kids/spend time with family/etc. and act like nothing happened since what they witness is top secret
We have entered a new era of war fighting. I am expecting to learn a lot about myself and the great men and women that wear the uniform with me as I serve as an USAF Chaplain.