Tuesday, December 24, 2019


After a self-imposed Advent break, I am back. Some updates:

  • We hosted the Director of the Air National Guard and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air National Guard earlier this month. It is always good to hear directly from those (literally) at the top.
  • Along with those DVs, we also hosted the 2 Star General that is the Chief of Active Duty USAF Chaplains and his wife.  Although he is out of my chain of command, he is the one that sets the policy that guides much of my military life. What a gracious pastor who just happens to be a 2 Star. It was good to give him the "ANG" perspective on how things happen in our world, which is very different from active duty.
  • Mrs. Schaick (Chaplain Schaick's wife) spent her own "time and dime" to travel here as well. She was incredibly gracious and supportive of our work. Upon hearing that we have a son going to school in DC, Ch and Mrs. Schaick invited us to come visit them in DC and even stay in their home!
  • Most senior officers have their own coin that they present to superior performers. I am proud to say that the Director and Ch Schaick both coined my "Chaplain Assistant" (now called Religious Affairs Airmen). He is incredible to work with.
  • Ch Schaick also coined me.
But enough about their visit:
  • I have been reminded in real ways there is lots of brokenness that we all carry with us, and that there is amazing power in just listening (I do a lot of counselling where I do nothing much more than actively listen).  
  • I have said it before and I will say it again...I work with same amazingly smart folks, many of them barely out of their teenage years!
  • I work in a technology-rich environment. Technology is a double edged sword.  Who is speaking into this world the proper ethics of emerging technology?
  • In an act of humility, one of our commander's is taking himself and his staff to a smaller office footprint in a different building to give those of us in the "helping agency" department more room to serve more Airmen and their families.  This means that the Chaplain offices are moving as well. The much needed cleaning out old stuff before we move has been long over due. Why is it so easy to let junk pile up??
  • I have been able get home a bit to worship with Marti and help Joshua on some projects at his house. Visits such as these remind me that I could not do what I do at the 181st without the support of family and friends.  
Thanks for all the support I get in so many ways.