Sunday, December 1, 2019


I was able to spend some significant time this past week visiting my Intel parish. There were special meals prepared for those of us working on the holiday. Even though we were away from our family of birth, we were together with our family of choice.

A question I like asking on holidays like these is what Thanksgiving traditions we had as children. I heard some wonderful stories of Grandparents and their cooking, going hunting with Dad and Black Friday shopping. What we all agreed upon is that we have realized we took those moments for granted.

In the moment, we all thought those moments would last forever. But they didn't. They never do.

I hope this holiday season gives us amble opportunity to breath deeply the gift of the present moment. May we never take it for granted. May we bring our best selves to each of those moments so that the memories we take from today will be worth remembering. 

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