Monday, March 9, 2020

Easter in Prison

I attended another prison worship service recently in a section of the Federal prison that I had not been before. The section I was in was probably built in the 1930-50s. The Chapel was an amazing space with lovely custom woodworking that the inmates had done.

There were also amazing stained glass windows that caught the setting sun in an outstanding way. I was very impressed.

I was also impressed with how much the inmates participated in the service and went out of their way to thank me for being there.

But I have to talk about the Easter banner hanging up front...

I can be somewhat of a Liturgically snob. The seasons of the Church year are very important to me. They remind me that I am marching to a different rhythm from the popular culture. It bothers me when worship spaces display out of season colors and banners.

It is Lent, not Easter so it is too early to be hanging an Easter banner (complete with the empty tomb and the stone rolled away) in a prison worship space. Or so I thought.

But then it hit me. These guys probably don't need any more reminders of the wilderness of Lent that is their 24/7/365 prison life. They need reminders of the transforming power of Easter 24/7/365.

So I am ok with an out of season Easter banner in a prison Chapel during Lent.

And another thing...the stone being rolled away on the banner, is the same manner that all barred prison doors open. They slide (roll?) right to left. No one goes anywhere without the prison doors "rolled" away.  As you can imagine, there are lots of doors inside a prison.

I am grateful for the lesson that God can roll stones/doors even, and especially, out of season! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being there and for sharing this message with us lucky ones.
