Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Some have asked who will care for me. This is the age-old question of how does the care giver receive care? Since most of my day will be spent in a top secret vault caring for Airmen that are doing top secret things, I am not sure what my specific care plan will look like.

I do know that there are at least 4 ways I plan to look after myself:

1) This blog. Thanks for reading. Being "forced" to process parts of my deployment will be helpful. Side note: I have blogged before from other deployments and training I have been sent to. If you are really interested I can let you know where to find those entries.

2) Middle School basketball officiating (when my schedule allows)! In a prior life I was a basketball official for several years and was honored to worked at the Division One men's college basketball level for a few years even. I have not worked a formal game since Feb., 2007...but I have missed it and am looking forward to getting back out on the court.

3) Serving as a volunteer chaplain at the Terre Haute Federal prison. This is long shot. I have made myself available to do what I can to help. Not sure if this will pan out, but I am ready to do what I can when/if that time comes.

4) Getting into better physical shape. The 181st has a very nice gym with lots of equipment that is open 24/7 and literally across the parking lot from my office. No excuses to get to a healthier place!

What is your self-care plan?

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