Monday, September 30, 2019

First Day

With a equally heavy heart and a grateful heart, I left Churubusco yesterday and have reported for "zero day"...the day before my orders officially begin for fiscal year 2020. There are things I need to do today on this last day of the fiscal year so I can hit the ground running tomorrow.

Wow...CUMC sent me off in a wonderful fashion. I appreciate the care packages, the hugs and the promises of future prayers.

This next part is especially for our Lay Leader Amy Motter...yes I have assigned myself Church homework that I plan to do during my free time in order to keep learning about leading an effective Church in our time away.


  1. I am sure you will somehow find a way to assign me homework while you are away. :)

  2. We hear you are only opening 1 card or note each day. That's patience! You may want to open the green card before you do any online shopping. 😁
