Saturday, November 23, 2019


As I have previous stated, I spend a lot of my day in a "SCIF"...basically it is a large room with lots of computers and absolutely no windows. It is amazing how easy it is for me to lose contact with the world literally a few feet away just because I can't see out any windows. I forget what kind of weather is out there. I am shocked when I walk outside and see the sun, when I don't remember the sun shining when I went in.

Warning!!!!! This might turn into a sermon...

How often, even with windows, do we not see the world around us? We are blinded by perceptions, hurt feels and rehearsing the same old crap.

How often do we look through windows "dimly" (St. Paul's line) but think we have crystal clear vision? We see what we want to see and that is Truth (capital "T"), but it is really not.

How often do we complain about not having any windows to look at the wider world and are satisfied just sitting in the dark, instead of getting off our keisters?

We have walked in a great darkness enough, let us come to the Light of Christ.

Let us honestly confront our blinded-ness.

Let us honestly confront our own certainty.

Let us honestly confront our own choices that keep us locked in our own darkness.

Let us open a new window of reality and let the resurrecting power of Christ bring new light to our darkness.

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