Thursday, October 17, 2019


I have enrolled in my last Professional Military Education course. It is a Master's level course entitled "Air War College." This will be my 3rd PME course and I am not looking forward to it. The first 2 were very difficult and I have not heard good things about AWC.

This leaves me in a funk. I want to do this course (I can't get promoted without it) but I got a bad attitude about it...

I always told my sons, "well, it is YOUR is totally up to you what YOUR attitude is."

I need to listen to my own advice, but I just don't wanna...

Stay tuned. I have until Oct. 17, 2024 to get it completed.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you have too much on your plate right now and you need to wait till life settles down a bit. Then your mind might be in the right place. You have a lot of "new" stuff going on so give yourself a break.
