Friday, October 25, 2019


I am slowly finding a (sort of) routine in my visiting the top secret mission area. There are a lot of moving parts so things are always in flux. I am truly enjoying my time "on the floor" visiting the crews. Here are some random reflections thus far:

  • I serve some incredibly smart people that do some amazing things with technology
  • Most of these smart people are young people...our freedom is being ensured by Airmen half my age
  • The work is taxing and the schedule is grueling
  • I appreciate being brought into their world. I began because I had to be there, but now over time I get the sense that some really look forward to my visits
  • I still don't have a good way to process "my stuff" at any depth, but I do appreciate you reading this blog and allowing me to some processing here   

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! We're glad to feel involved in a small way in what you're going through! Thanks for serving!
