I have been hitting the gym everyday for some time now, but I don't seem to see any visible results. Muscles aren't getting bigger and my waist is not getting any smaller.
Should I give up if I don't see immediate results? Why bother if I can't tell I am making progress?
No! As my friends in recover would say, "get your butt in the door and your heart will follow."
There is power in the process of getting to the gym even (and especially) when there doesn't seem to be progress. I know the habits will pay dividends eventually. I can't give up now or I will never get to my ultimate fitness goals.
The same is true for Spiritual fitness. Our praying, studying, serving, worshiping may not produce immediate results, but that is where Faith comes in. We have a hope in things yet unseen.
I believe God honors good effort. I believe God is especially fond of perseverance (think Israelites in the desert; Jesus week of passion/death; the fits and starts of the early Church).
Hang in there...never give up. Your future self will thank the today self for staying the course.
Amen! Stay the course!